Where have I been ⎢Plans for the future

Hello my lovelies how are you all doing? I know I've been away for a huge amount of time and first of all let me apologies for this. I feel incredibly guilty for having abandoned this blog and left you hanging without any information as to what's going on. Can you forgive me?

But moving I've listed some of the reasons why it's been so quite on here the past year:
  • I came back home from my life as an Au Pair in London and there were a lot of things I had to get used to again so basically it was a pretty stressful time
  • I started going to UNI
  • UNI basically took up all my free time since I had no real clue about how to manage my time in the best and efficient way possible
  • there's been some personal stuff going on that I don't necessarily want to talk about just now, just know there's been some things going wrong with my mental health that I luckily managed to overcome by myself
  • I felt really uncreative and after the first semester I also felt like UNI sucked all the motivation out of me
These are the biggest reasons I could think of and I really hope you can understand and maybe relate to some of them.

I've come back on here because I want to explain the next things I want to do with this blog.
Number one, I would like this blog to go private. This way I can keep all the posts and date while it's no longer active.
Number two, I want to start a new blog. I'm no longer happy with the name and content of this one (it's kinda all over the place). I want to dedicate the new blog solely to studying and everything that comes with it, so uni experiences, study tips and tricks, meal prep (because I might actually be moving out and this makes grocery shopping more important concerning the money spend), coping as a student and living on my own (if it happens; if not forget I ever said this) and maybe a little bit of sports and fashion since working out is one of my hobbies and I feel like when you go to uni there are outfits of different occasions (at least I noticed this in the two semesters I studied). And then obviously all about how to deal with high expectations, stress and failure.

Wow that was quite a lot but basically it's supposed to be all about UNI and studying.
I'm currently working on a name for the blog; if you have any recommendations or ideas let me know in the comments I'm thankful for all kinds of suggestions; the design and the first couple of post ideas. 
Also I will move over to Wordpress. Not because I don't like Blogger anymore but I feel like this is a new start and that requires a new platform as well. And I kinda want to see what Wordpress is like compared tot blogger.

As soon as I'm ready to go live with the new blog I will be posting this on here so you'll know where to find me.
I'm hoping I can get everything done by mid/end of August but I'll be working a lot in august so it could possibly be delayed until mid September but I want to avoid this at all cost.

Again I'm so sorry I didn't come on here sooner, but now that you know what's been going on and what I've got planned in the future.

Let me know about any name recommendations and I'll talk to you again soon (I promise !!)

Celine xx

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